李有志 二级教授,博士,博士生导师/硕士生导师,亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室课题组长。
E-mail: dyzl@gxu.edu.cn
。2004-2005年,美国伊利诺斯州立大学香槟分校(UIUC)植物系做访问学者;2014-2015年,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH)植物生物技术系做访问学者。先后在澳大利亚、泰国、韩国、香港和迪拜等参加国际学术交流大会。被In silico Biology; Plant Molecular Biology; Plant Cell & Physiology; Trends in Horticultural Research等多个国际著名的SCI专业刊物受邀为投稿论文的同行评议审稿人。中国博士后科学基金评审专家。教育部学位中心学位论文评审专家。中国菌物学会永久会员。中国生物化学与分子生物学会农业生物化学与分子生物学分会(“农业生化学会”)第六届常务理事。广西生物化学与分子生物学学会第八届、第九届和第十届理事会副理事长兼秘书长,中国环境科学学会重金属污染防治专业委会第一和第二届委员会委员。
1. Zhou Y, Wu Z, Zhang J, Wan Y, Jin W, Li Y,Fang X(2020) Cry80Aa1, a novelBacillus thuringiensistoxin with mosquitocidal activity toCulex pipienspallens.Journal of Invertebrate Pathology173:107386.
2. Zhou Y, Wu Z, Zhang J, Wan Y, Jin W, Li Y,Fang X(2020)Bacillus thuringiensisnovel toxin Epp is toxic to mosquitoes and prodenia litura larvae.Brazilian Journal of Microbiology51, 437-445.
3. Dong MY, Lei L, Fan XW,Li YZ(2020) Dark response genes: a group of endogenous pendulum/timing players in maize?Planta252(1):1.
4. Dong MY, Fan XW, Pang XY,Li YZ(2019) Decrypting tubby-like protein gene family of multiple functions in starch root crop cassava.AoB Plants11(6):plz075.
5. Dong MY, Fan XW,Li YZ(2019) Cassava AGPase genes and their encoded proteins are different from those of other plants.Planta250(5):1621-1635.
6. Wang X, Qin LF, Zeng ZX, Zhou J,Li YZ,Fan XW(2019) Validation of spectrophotometric determination of chlorogenic acid in fermentation broth and fruits.Food Chemistry278(25):170-177.
7. Wang X, Qin L, Zhou J,Li Y,Fan X(2018) A novel design to screen chlorogenic acid-producing microbial strains from the environment.Scientific Reports8(1):14756.
8.Ma P, Chen X, Liu C, Xia Z, Song Y, Zeng C, Li Y, Wang W(2018) MePHD1 asa PHD-finger protein negatively regulates ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit1a gene in cassava.International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(9):2831.
9. Cheng YE , Dong MY, Fan XW, Nong LL,Li YZ(2018)A study on cassava tolerance to and growth responses under salt stress.Environmental and Experimental Botany155:429-440
10. Zhang H, Zeng F, Zou Z, Zhang Z, Li Y(2017) Nitrogen uptake and transfer in a soybean/maize intercropping system in the karst region of southwest China.Ecology and Evolution7(20):8419-8426.
11.Li YZ, Fan XW, Chen Q, Zhong H (2017) A photoperiod-responsive protein compendium and conceptual proteome roadmap outline inmaize grown in growth chambers with controlled conditions.PLoS One 12(4):e0174003.
12. Feng X, Xu J, Liang Y, Chen GL, Fan XW, Li YZ(2017) A proteomic-based investigation of potential copper-responsive biomarkers: Proteins,conceptual networks,and metabolic pathways featuring Penicillium janthinellum from a heavy metal-polluted ecological niche.Microbiologyopen6(4):e485.
13. Cai CX, Xu J, Deng NF, Dong XW, Tang H, Liang Y, Fan XW,Li YZ(2016) A novel approach of utilization of the fungal conidia biomass to remove heavy metals from the aqueous solution through immobilization.Scientific Reports6:36546.
14.Li YZ, Zhao JY, Wu SM, Fan XW, Luo XL,Chen BS(2016)Characters related to higher starch accumulation in cassava storage roots.Scientific Reports6:19823
15. Xu J, Chen GL, Sun XZ, Fan XW,Li YZ(2015) Paths and determinants for Penicillium janthinellum to resist low and high copper.Scientific Reports5:10590
16.Wang L, Fan XW, Pan JL, Huang ZB,Li YZ(2015)Physiological characterization of maize tolerance to low dose of aluminum, highlighted by promoted leaf growth.Planta242(6):1391-1403.
17.Fan X, Hu H, Huang G, Huang F, Li Y, Palta J (2015) Soil inoculation withBurkholderiasp. LD-11 has positive effect on water-use efficiency in inbred lines of maize.Plant Soil390:337–349
18. Chen Q, Zhong H, Fan XW,Li YZ(2015) An insight into the sensitivity of maize to photoperiod changes under controlled conditions.Plant, Cell & Environment38(8): 1479–1489
19. Wu Q, Shu PC, Cai T, Fan XW,Li YZ(2014)Existence of abiotic stress-responsive genes within the regions of QTLs controlling maize grain yield: One of the root causes for unstability of the QTLs?South African Journal of Botany93:231–241
20. Qin HJ, Pan H , Fan XW, Wu Q,Li YZ(2014) Characterization of the promoter of a homolog of maize MADS-box gene m18.Journal of Integrative Agriculture(formerly Agricultural Sciences in China). 13(11): 60345-60347
21. Sun CB, Fan XW, Hu HY, Liang Y, Huang ZB, Pan JL, Wang L,Li YZ(2013) Pivotal metabolic pathways related to water deficit tolerance and growth recovery of whole maize plant.Plant Omics Journal6(6):377-387
22. Huang GH, Tian HH, Liu HY, Fan XW, Liang Y,Li YZ(2013)Characterization of plant-growth-promoting effects and concurrent promotion of heavy metal accumulation in the tissues of the plants grown in the polluted soils byBurkholderiastrain LD-11.International Journal of Phytoremediation15(10):991-1009
23.Li YZ, Fan XW,Liao JX(2012) Foci of future studies on abiotic stress tolerance of maize in the era of post-genomics.Journal ofIntegrative Agriculture (formerly Agricultural Sciences in China)11(8): 1236-1244
24. Xu J, Song XC, Zhang Q, Pan H, Liang Y, Fan XW,Li YZ(2011) Characterization of metal removal of immobilizedBacillusstrain CR-7 biomass from aqueous solutions.Journal of Hazardous Materials187: 450-458.
25.Lu HF, Dong HT, Sun CB, Qing DJ, Li N, Wu ZK, Wang ZQ,Li YZ(2011) The panorama of physiological responses and gene expression of whole plant of maize inbred line YQ7-96 at the three-leaf stage under water deficit and re-watering.Theoretical and Applied Genetics123(6): 943-958
26.Li YZ, Pan H, Xu J, Fan XW, Song XC, Zhang Q, Xu J, Liu Y (2010)Characterization of metal removal by os sepiae ofSepiella maindroniRochebrune from aqueous solutions.Journal of Hazardous Materials179 (1-3): 266–275.
27.Li YZ, Lu HF, Fan XW, Sun CB, Qing DJ, Dong HT, Wang L (2010) Physiological responses and comparative transcriptional profiling of maize roots and leaves under imposition and removal of aluminum toxicity.Environmental and Experimental Botany69(2):158–166.
28.Li YZ, Pan YH, Sun CB, Dong HT, Luo XL, Wang ZQ,Tang JL,Chen B(2010) An ordered EST catalogue and gene expression profiles of cassava (Manihot esculenta) at key growth stages.Plant Molecular Biology74(6):573-590.
29.Li Y, Sun C, Huang Z, Pan J, Wang L, Fan X (2009)Mechanisms of progressive water deficit tolerance and growth recovery of Chinese maize foundation genotypes of Huangzao 4 and Chang 7-2, which are proposed on the basis of comparison of physiological and transcriptomic responses.Plant & Cell Physiology50(12): 2092–2111.
30. Liu Y, Sun C, Xu J,Li Y(2009) The use of raw and acid-pretreated bivalve mollusk shells to remove metals from aqueous solutions.Journal of Hazardous Materials168(1):156-162.
31. Lai H, Sun C, Tang H, Fan X, Ma Y,Li Y(2009) Functional characterization of the copper-transporting P-type ATPase gene ofPenicillium janthinellumstrain GXCR.The Journal of Microbiology47(6): 736-745.
32. Oh DH, Leidi E,Zhang Q, Hwang SM, Li Y, Quintero FJ, Jiang X, D'Urzo MP, Lee SY, Zhao Y, Bahk JD, Bressan RA, Yun DJ, Pardo JM,Bohnert HJ(2009) Loss of halophytism by interference withSOS1expression.Plant Physiology151(1):210-222.
33. Qing DJ, Lu HF, Li N, Dong HT, Dong DF,Li YZ(2009)Comparative profiles of gene expression in leaves and roots of maize seedlings under the conditions of the salt stress and the removal of the salt stress.Plant & Cell Physiology50(4): 889–903.
34. Oh DH, Gong Q, Ulanov A, Zhang Q, Li Y, Ma W, Yun DJ, Bressan RA, Bohnert HJ(2007) Sodium stress in the halophyteThellungiella halophilaand transcriptional changes in a thsos1-RNA interference line.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology49 (10): 1484–1496.
35.Li Y, Tang J, Tang D, Ma Q(2001)EPS-deficient mutants (gumB–,gumD–andgumE–) fromXanthomonas campestrispv.campestris.Progress in Natural Science11: 871–875.